Setiyono Setiyono


Narcotics abuse is a felony offense which is punishable by criminal sanctions. A sentencing policy against
narcotics abusers regardless of the position of the abuser as an offender or victim may have a negative impact
on the coaching process for the abuser itself. In this case, it is necessary to reorient the policy of sanctions against
narcotics abusers based on the basic idea and purpose of sanctions for narcotics abusers. Such a policy is a
demanding situation and condition that can uphold the dignity of the narcotics abuser in society. Therefore,
the policy of criminal sanctions in the Narcotics Act needs are depenalization or to be changed into treatment
sanction. Depenalization of criminal sanctions against narcotics abusers can be done through the policy of
narcotics abusers rehabilitation both medically and socially so that they can escape from narcotic dependency
and can resocialize with the community.


Narcotics Misuse, Policy, Criminal Sanction

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