H Joni


The land has a strategic function and status, both socially and economically. National Land Body (BPN) as
the governmental body who works in land sector has to capale of form and created some policies regarding to
dispute and land conflict. There must be a comperehensive to form development strategy that paradigmcally or
philosophically rely on Indonesia citizen interests. In order to do that, there must be a whole structuritation
toward land form. Technically, it is to utilize information technology development that already become main
need in society service. Based on that, social asset which is land is physically not added, but the needs is always
increasing, can be managed based on updated values or principles. Those implementation can also be an avant
garde in reaching the nation goals to make land as much for social welfare, justice and sustainability of society,
nation, and country of Indonesia.


Social Asset, Society Service, National Land Law

Full Text:




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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26905/idjch.v7i1.1787


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