Jammer is a tool used to transmit signals at the same frequency, so the noise completely submerges the original signal in it. This system works when the device is placed in the jam’s area which wants to be. Thus the device will disturb the transport of information from the sender to the recipient. This device is also useful on facing the war of electronic devices if it is developed in the military environment. The rate enhancement of mobile user can issue some problems at certain place, for insrance worship, lecture halls, libraries, concert halls, conference rooms, etc in daily life. Hence it need to be disabled as mobile phone rings will annoy those places. Jammer is used to interfere with GSM and CDMA operator signals by using square waves and triangular waves, then VCO combines them to produce the interference signals. Then RF transmitters will amplify it to jam the cell phone signals latter.References
Setiawan Denny, Direktorat Jenderal Sumber Daya dan Perangkat Pos dan Informatika, 2011.(Hal. 52-57).
Harianto, Subekti, “Rancang Bangun JammingGSM 900 dan 1800 Untuk Ruang Rapatâ€, 2012. (Hal. 7, 11-15).
Ahmed Jisrawi, "GSM 900 Mobile Jammer", undergrad project, 2006 (Hal.11-15, 18-21).
Ahmed Sudqi Hussein Abdul-Rahman,Ahmad Nasr Raja Mohammad,"Dual Band Mobile Jammer for GSM 900 & GSM 1800",undergrad project, 2009 (Hal. 10-17).
http://digilib.ittelkom.ac.id retrivied on January 2014
http://123seminarsonly.com/Seminar-Reports/027/50135778-mobile-jammer.pdf retrivied on November 2013.
http://cobexonly.com/2008/05/frekuensi-cdma-800mhz-dan-1900mhz.html diakses retrivied on November 2013.
www.Mobile-online.com retrivied on November 2013.
http://www.electroschematics.com/1003/mobile-cell-phone-jammer/ retrivied on December 2013.