Affecting Waiting Rooms as Key to Patient Satisfaction in Public Health Centers


  • Haruna Ismayadi University of Merdeka Malang
  • Pindo Tutuko
  • Erna Winansih



To create a waiting room that can withstand change, patient satisfaction with the waiting room must be maintained. This paper reviews the standard of waiting room comfort at the Public Health Center (Puskesmas). The measurement refers to the standardization of the waiting room based on the Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia concerning Minimum Service Standards for Hospitals. Waiting time for patient services is one of the indicators for assessing the quality of health services. Both central and local governments have implemented several strategies to improve health services for the Public, especially in rural areas. This paper examines the factors influencing patient satisfaction and their relationship to physical and psychological comfort in the waiting room. This paper reveals that the factors that influence patient satisfaction are: social (relational), physical architecture (material), environment (ambient), and distraction (related to attention). In this article, I want to convey that a comfortable waiting room can indirectly increase the patient's immunity so that people who come to the puskesmas are not burdened by time while in the waiting room.

Keywords: Public Health Center, waiting room, patient satisfaction, building design, interior arrangement


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