Analysis of Website and Excel-Based Promotional Media


  • Subiyantoro Edi University of Merdeka Malang
  • Ahmad Rofiqul Muslikh University of Merdeka Malang
  • Fandi Yulian Pamuji University of Merdeka Malang



The development of information technology now has a positive impact on increasing the use of social media which can facilitate all the activities of SMEs in Indonesia to carry out the stages of marketing and promoting the products produced. SME business actors can use information technology in various fields including procurement of raw materials, and production processes to create a marketplace. Currently, the use of technology has been widely used in terms of marketing and product promotion. The decision support method that can be used to overcome these problems is the AHP method. The data was obtained from the distribution of questionnaires from the related SME actors. Based on the results of the overall average weight of the Website-based and Excel-based AHP SMEs Application, it can be concluded that for calculating the AHP method using the Website-based AHP SMEs Application using a laptop, mobile phone and tablet device accessed on a web browser, it will be easier to use, effective and accurate for the ranking and reporting results obtained instead of using Excel, the prioritized alternative from the Website and Excel-based AHP SMEs Application is social media to expand the market, increase promotions with various social media applications to increase product sales of SMEs actors in Indonesia.

Keywords: AHP, Media Promotion, SMEs, Website, Excel


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