Heart Disorder Detection Using R to R Interval Signal Classifier
The heart is the most important part of our body. So, the condition of the heart is affected by all of our bodies. If our heart has trouble, our body feels it too. So, a routine heart health check is important. One of the heart disorders is arrhythmia. Arrhythmia is a disorder of the heart rate or heart rhythm which is characterized by an irregular heartbeat, which can be too fast or too slow from the normal heartbeat. One method to detect arrhythmia is to determine the value of the R to R interval signal on the heart rhythm signal (ECG Signal). ECG signal has a peak wave value, which is called an R signal. From the R signal, the researcher can detect the condition of the heart. Purposed research is an interval R to R signal classifier using the Decision Tree Algorithm. The decision tree can find solutions to problems by making criteria as nodes that are interconnected to form a tree-like structure. The process of the purposed method first is the detection of R to R using filters signal is called preprocessing, second is the extraction feature, from ECG signal extracted to 7 features, and the last process is the decision tree using Gini index. The result of the purposed method shows that the accuracy of heart disorder detection using a decision tree is 98,27% accuracy. From 3140 epochs, it detects 2105 normal (N), 972 arrhythmia (A), and 63 misclassifications. It is the purposed method that has a 98% success rate. From these results, the purposed method is valid for heart disorders. Keywords: Heart Disorder, ECG signal, Interval R to R, Decision Tree.ÂThe heart is the most important part of our body. So, the condition of the heart is affected by all of our bodies. If our heart has trouble, our body feels it too. So, a routine heart health check is important. One of the heart disorders is arrhythmia. Arrhythmia is a disorder of the heart rate or heart rhythm which is characterized by an irregular heartbeat, which can be too fast or too slow from the normal heartbeat. One method to detect arrhythmia is to determine the value of the R to R interval signal on the heart rhythm signal (ECG Signal). ECG signal has a peak wave value, which is called an R signal. From the R signal, the researcher can detect the condition of the heart. Purposed research is an interval R to R signal classifier using the Decision Tree Algorithm. The decision tree can find solutions to problems by making criteria as nodes that are interconnected to form a tree-like structure. The process of the purposed method first is the detection of R to R using filters signal is called preprocessing, second is the extraction feature, from ECG signal extracted to 7 features, and the last process is the decision tree using Gini index. The result of the purposed method shows that the accuracy of heart disorder detection using a decision tree is 98,27% accuracy. From 3140 epochs, it detects 2105 normal (N), 972 arrhythmia (A), and 63 misclassifications. It is the purposed method that has a 98% success rate. From these results, the purposed method is valid for heart disorders.
Keywords: Heart Disorder, ECG signal, Interval R to R, Decision Tree.References
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