Readiness and Acceptance of Electronic Medical Records Among Health Professionals in Indonesia


  • Yusrizal Saputra Regional Hospital of Ahmad Thabib Tanjungpinang, Indonesia
  • Mumtaza Noor Ashila School of Public Health University of Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
  • Prita Muliarini Indonesian Commission on Hospital Accreditation, Indonesia



With the launch of Indonesia Health Services (IHS) as a platform for the digitization and data integration of the country's various healthcare systems, the implementation of electronic medical records (EMR) has become inevitable. Ministry of Health also urged health service facilities to run an electronic patient medical history recording system until December 31, 2023. EMR can assist practitioners in performing routine duties and assignments records-keeping more efficiently and effectively. However, implementation of EMRs is typically accompanied by concerns of additional burden due to data entry, disruptions in productivity, apprehension of shifting from paper records to computerized records, and modifications in organizational culture necessary to use EMRs efficiently. Technology's perceived ease of use and usefulness are considered by people when deciding whether or not to adopt new technology. This study aimed to assess health professional readiness and intention toward EMR implementation in Indonesia based on Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Technology Readiness Index (TRI). This cross-sectional study used an online questionnaire to gather data. We used convenient sampling since the population is infinite and unknown. At the end of the study, we managed to get 124 responses from all over Indonesia. Most of the participants were specialists and experienced for more than fifteen years. Data were analyzed using SEM-PLS. Our analysis found that optimism, innovativeness, discomfort, and insecurity simultaneously explained 69.9% of perceived usefulness (PU), while perceived ease of use (PEU) was explained by 63.4% of the variance. Further, the model explained 67.2% of behavioral intention. Optimism and innovativeness significantly influenced PU. Optimism also significantly influenced PEU. Insecurity influenced PEU in a negative role. Therefore, all influential factors in EMR adoption must be considered for improving and developing EMR in Indonesia.

Keywords: electronic medical record (EMR), health professionals, Technology acceptance model (TAM), Technology readiness index (TRI)


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