Cash Flow Capability Analysis Predicting Company Financial Performance During Covid 19 Pandemic(Empirical Study of Sector Companies Food and Beverages in Indonesia)
This study aims to analyze the ability of cash flow adequacy, cash interest coverage, cash debt coverage, depreciation amortization impact, quality of sales ratio, and cash flow return on assets to predict a company's financial performance before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The sample in this study was 28 companies, from 2018 to 2021, so 112 observation data were obtained. The data analysis technique used multiple regression analysis. The analysis results show that the cash flow adequacy before and during the covid 19 pandemic does not predict the company's financial performance. Cash interest coverage before and during the COVID-19 pandemic does not predict the company's financial performance. Cash debt coverage before and during the COVID-19 pandemic did not predict the company's financial performance. Depreciation amortization impact before the COVID-19 pandemic predicted the company's financial performance, but during the COVID-19 pandemic, it did not predict the company's financial performance. The quality of sales ratio before and during the COVID-19 pandemic did not predict the company's financial performance. Cash flow return on assets before the covid 19 pandemic predicted the company's financial performance, but during the covid 19 pandemic, it did not predict the company's financial performance.
Keywords: Cash Flow Adequacy, Cash Interest Coverage, Cash Debt Coverage, Depreciation Amortization Impact, Quality of Sales Ratio, Cash Flow Return On Assets, Company Financial Performance
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