Study of Ethnic Architecture Application in the Design of Kelurahan- Mojosari Office in Mojokerto Regency
Ethnic architecture is an architectural form developed from traditional architecture. This concept is obtained from the cultural traditions of a nation in a particular area. Basically, Ethnic Architecture is a culture that has existed for a long time. The application of Ethnic Architecture can be applied to various kinds of buildings, including residential buildings, religious buildings, cultural buildings, and even government office buildings. For this reason, the concept of ethnic architecture must be introduced to the community so that the identity of an area is still maintained. One of the village office designs that carries the concept of ethnic architecture is the Mojosari village office in Mojokerto. The concept of ethnic architecture in the off ice design needs to be studied further so that the concept can be transmitted to other urban village office buildings. The use of
ornaments in this office design mostly applies the typical Majapahit ornaments where the ornaments symbolize the characters of the Javanese and Balinese people. The texture that is presented comes from local materials, namely by
exposing bricks. The use of contrasting colors based on the characters of the Javanese-Bali ethnicity. The atmosphere created is also ethnically nuanced from the area. By expressing Majapahit culture through the design of office buildings, we can make the building a place for the embodiment of national identity in the Mojokerto region. So that the local value of Mojokerto culture is maintained and sustainable. This study intends to describe and determine the application of the concept of Ethnic Architecture in the Kelurahan Office building. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method in case study planning.
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