Analysis of the Implementation of Vocational Revitalization in the Field of Industrial Class
Industrial class, Implementation, RevitalizationAbstract
The high unemployment rate in Indonesia is one of the problems that need to be addressed, and it is dominated by SMK graduates. The reason is that there is no link and match between the industrial world and vocational schools. To overcome these problems, the government's efforts to improve the quality and competitiveness of Indonesian Human Resources (HR) one of them with the Vocational Revitalization Policy as stated in the presidential instruction No. 9 of 2016. This study aims to find out how the implementation of the SMK revitalization policy in the industrial class sector at the SMK Islam Donomulyo and to find out how the obstacles that arise in the implementation of the revitalization policy. This study is a qualitative study using a descriptive-analytical-based approach. The sources of information for this study are primary data based on interviews and secondary data from written sources. They identified the sample in this study using qualitative data analysis. The results of the study show that the implementation of the Vocational High School Revitalization policy in the industrial class sector has been maximized. This can be seen from the indicators used, namely communication, bureaucratic structure, resources, and disposition/attitude of policy implementers. The obstacles that many get from the implementation of the revitalization of the SMK are Human Resources (HR) which still needs improvement, to maximize the SMK revitalization policy.
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