Decreasing Stunting Rate through the Community Eating Fish Movement

Rindawati Rindawati


An implementation of Malang Regent Regulation Number 33 of 2018 concerning Stunting Prevention Efforts with the Movement to Promote Fish Eating is a step by the Malang Regency Government through the Fisheries Service to educate the public about the benefits and importance of eating fish and increasing the Fish Consumption Rate (AKI) in Malang Regency. Fish consumption is considered one of the solutions to overcoming nutritional problems in pregnant or lactating mothers, toddlers, young women of childbearing age, and other nutritionally vulnerable communities because fish is one of the sources of animal protein obtained from natural resources in Indonesia. Stunting in Malang Regency is still relatively high. The purpose of this study was to (1) increase fish consumption for the community, especially stunting sufferers, (2) find out the government's strategy to educate the public about the benefits and importance of consuming fish while increasing the level of fish consumption (MMR) in Malang Regency so that it encourages people to be more active and routine in consuming fish as the main complementary food. It is hoped that by consuming fish regularly, the nutritional quality of the community can be maintained and increased. With a good immune system, the family becomes healthy and avoids symptoms of malnutrition, one of which is stunting. The Malang Regency Government through the Malang Regency Fisheries Service with the Movement to Promote Fish Eating to accelerate the reduction of stunting or malnutrition problems by implementing a love of eating fish, especially for areas indicated by stunting, especially in Sananrejo Village, Turen District, Malang Regency. The research method used by the researcher is qualitative, in accordance with the concept of George C Edward III's Theory. This study shows that high fish consumption will reduce the number of stunting sufferers because fish is a source of food intake rich in protein and Omega 3 which is very important for child growth and development. So to support the priority program for handling stunting, it can be started by consuming fish in various forms of processed fish-based diets from an early age.


Fish Consumption; Stunting

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