Effectiveness of Work Training Programs in Improving the Quality of Human Resources (Study at the Manpower Office of Batu City)
Effectiveness, Implementation of training programs, Quality of human resourceAbstract
Batu city is considered to be one of the cities that has a fairly high number of open unemployment. According to the Central Bureau of Statistics, unemployment in Batu City has increased by 5.84%. So that the quality of the workforce increases and can compete with a competent workforce. Various training majors have been implemented and one of them is the office administration and hospitality department. On average, graduates from this training get jobs not in accordance with the majors that have been followed in the training. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the implementation of training was effective in improving the quality of human resources in Batu City. This research method uses quantitative research with descriptive analysis using a questionnaire as a data collection tool. These respondents were all training participants totaling 50 people. The results of this study can be concluded that an effective workforce training program can improve the quality of human resources. This can be proven by the results of the regression analysis.
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