Land Zoning Plan to Vertical Development Control with UCA And UPA Concept in Urban Area of Yogyakarta


  • Angger Kwarazmi Khamaiya Master of Public Administration, Postgraduate School, University of Merdeka Malang



Control, Development, Land zoning, Vertical


Depok is one of Yogyakarta’s sub-district known as a sub-urban area with massive vertical development. The number of public facilities and infrastructure such as airports, historic buildings, and shopping centers makes it a high potential for vertical development activities. The high potential for economic development increases land development. Meanwhile, the side effect of accelerated development can change the environment to become saturated, slum, and disorganized. For this reason, it is necessary to have an area development control plan that can accommodate economic activities, local community values, and environmental needs to create sustainable development. Land zoning is one of the aspects that is important to keep the vertical development growth up to par. The dynamic demand for urbanism development brings the situation to make legal control of regional development. As a result, this research chose UCA and UPA concepts to solve the problem by purposing the plan (blueprint). Researchers use some theories to bring the concept and qualitatively collect the data. Purposing the plan with those several concepts will keep the region’s vertical development from enormous impacts, such as disaster/mother nature, and citizen mobility in the Depok sub-district. The promotion system can facilitate vertical development that remained friendly in residential as well as commercial activities surrounding this area. By the end of this research and planning,  land zoning can increase the value of the economic, social, and ecological in the Depok sub-district.

Author Biography

Angger Kwarazmi Khamaiya, Master of Public Administration, Postgraduate School, University of Merdeka Malang



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