The Effectiveness of Setting, Management, Guidance, and Control for Street Vendors Based on Blitar City Mayor Regulation Number 43 Year 2018


  • Afiat Puji Herlinawati Master of Public Administration, Postgraduate School, University of Merdeka Malang



Guidance and Control for Street Vendors, Mayor Regulation, Street Vendors, Setting, Management


The hope for a healthy and sustainable environment in the future is a concern. The rapid development of development has an impact on the utilization and management of the environment. Through sustainable development, it is hoped that the use and management of the environment can meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the right to fulfillment needs of future generations. Street vendors are defined as people who peddle goods and services for sale in places that are public spaces, especially on roadsides and sidewalks. Street vendors who are not organized cause the pattern and structure of the city to become disorderly and orderly. Dualistic physical appearance is mushrooming in all urban spaces, especially in the functional areas of the city which are the center of economic activity. The government in the rule of law is allowed to carry out various kinds of efforts to fulfill community welfare as well as environmental sustainability through regulatory instruments that are intended to organize, control and foster street vendors which have implications for optimizing Green Open Space and restoring the function of river borders.

Author Biography

Afiat Puji Herlinawati, Master of Public Administration, Postgraduate School, University of Merdeka Malang



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