Legal Protection Related to Coal Ash Pollution in Marunda


  • Rio Djajatmadja Master of Laws, Postgraduate University of Merdeka
  • Diah Aju Wisnuwardhani Master of Laws, Postgraduate University of Merdeka



Coaslashpollution, FABA, FABAMarunda, Marunda


Coal pollution has occurred in Marunda, particularly caused by coal ash or better known as Flying Ash Bottom Ash (FABA). This pollution occurs especially in the Rusunawa Marunda area and its surroundings. This pollution is becoming more and more frequent and disturbing, especially since 2018. This paper wants to explain how the regulations related to coal ash pollution (FABA) in Indonesia and how legal efforts have been taken by the Government in responding to the occurrence of coal ash pollution (FABA) in Indonesia. Marunda. In general, in the above regulations, the imposition of sanctions is administrative in nature. In Article 21 of DKI Jakarta Governor Regulation Number 76 of 2009 concerning the Implementation of Hazardous Waste Management, it is stated that the imposition of sanctions can be in the form of written warnings, forced efforts, and license revocation. But apart from that, the same rules open space if the violation is in the form of a crime, it will be subject to sanctions in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations. Independent state institutions such as the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) have participated in overseeing this process, considering that many children are also victims of the pollution that occurs, even to the point that there are children whose eyes have pus and keep leaking water, so their corneas must be replaced at the RSCM. The Marunda Health Center has also come down to the flats in Marunda to check on the exposed residents. In addition, the Integrated Service Center for the Empowerment of Women and Children (P2TP2A) DKI Jakarta has carried out an assessment of children suffering from injuries to their corneas.

Author Biographies

Rio Djajatmadja, Master of Laws, Postgraduate University of Merdeka


Diah Aju Wisnuwardhani, Master of Laws, Postgraduate University of Merdeka



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