Compliance of Members of the Regional People's Representative Board (DPRD) of Fakfak Regency as State Administration on E-LHKPN Reporting
Compliance, LHKPN, Member of DPRDAbstract
This research is through a naturalistic/qualitative approach with a descriptive level of explanation. where the researcher is the key instrument, the data collection technique is done by triangulation, the data analysis is inductive, and the results of qualitative research emphasize meaning rather than generalization. There are two assessment indicators in assessing the compliance of Fakfak Regency DPRD members who report assets to the KPK through e-LHKPN. Indicators (1) compliance by state officials in reporting assets to the KPK no later than 3 months after being appointed/re-appointed/expiration of the term of office. The compliance of members of the Fakfak Regency DPRD for the 2019-2024 period at the beginning of their tenure in reporting LHKPN was at the 100% Compliance level and the LHKPN reporting compliance when reappointed was 100% and at the end of the term of office 100% of the 20 DPRD members. This percentage shows that members of the DPRD of Fakfak Regency are still not 100% obedient to reporting. Based on real conditions in the field, the obstacle in reporting is the lack of understanding of DPRD members on the use of e-LHKPN which has been provided by the KPK through the web site. This is caused by the lack of knowledge of DPRD members in using internet technology because in reporting e-LHKPN. Indicator (2) compliance by state officials during their tenure in reporting assets every year. The compliance of members of the Fakfak Regency DPRD for the 2019-2024 period while serving in submitting the LHKPN Report there are still many obstacles to achieving compliance. It is known that there are still DPRD members who submit their reports not on time.
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