Management of the Ground Village in Malang district in Order to Sustainable Village Development


  • Agus Harianto Master of Laws, Postgraduate School, University of Merdeka Malang



Implementation of village development, Village asset management


The ground village or other names in Malang Regency, before the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 4 2007 about Guidelines for Village Wealth Management, then followed by the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 1 2016 about Village Asset Management there are two statuses of land which is the village wealth, namely: first, the bengkok land worked by the Village Head and Village Device, the result is used for their income; and second, other arable lands, belonging to the village, which is worked on by the Village Head and the result are used to finance village needs according to their respective functions. However, with the enactment of the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation, followed by the Malang Regent's Regulation about Village Asset Management, the entire Ground Village may no longer be carried out by the Village Head and village device, but must be rented out, the rent of which goes into the Village account, then used Village operations, including paying additional income for the Village Head and village device. The problem is that the Village Head and village device can no longer manage village assets directly, while on the other hand, they must carry out village governance and development with various village problems. The purpose of this study is to analyze the management of village assets based on applicable laws and regulations in the context of implementing sustainable development in the village. This study and research use normative research methods. The expected contribution of this research is for the Malang Regency Government as input in the formation of Village Asset Management regulations at the Regency level so that it can meet the expectations of all parties.

Author Biography

Agus Harianto, Master of Laws, Postgraduate School, University of Merdeka Malang



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