Implementation of the Indonesian Healthy Card Program in Health Services in Puskesmas Kaliorang District, Kutai Timur Regency


  • Andi Basnawiyati Master of Public Administration, Postgraduate School, University of Merdeka Malang



Healthy Indonesia Card, Health Services, Puskesmas


Public service is one of the government's functions that must be carried out, especially health services to the community through public health center agencies (Puskesmas). Of all the Puskesmas in East Kutai Regency, the Kaliorang Subdistrict Health Center is the one that has a percentage of conformity that is close to the Puskesmas criteria as recorded in the Regulation of the Minister of Health No. 75 of 2014 namely Puskesmas covering aspects of the location of the condition of the building, infrastructure, equipment, personnel, registration and operation. It's just that the area is rarely known to the outside community and even people from the area tend to choose hospitals outside the Kaliorang sub-district due to the use of the Healthy Indonesia Card that has not been implemented. So it is important for community health centers and health care organizations to take advantage of the facilities that have been provided. It aims to help the community by implementing the Healthy Indonesia Card (KIS) program in health services at the Kaliorang Health Center, East Kutai Regency.

Author Biography

Andi Basnawiyati, Master of Public Administration, Postgraduate School, University of Merdeka Malang



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