Digital Constitutionalism and Sustainable Developments in Indonesia


  • Cahyani Aisyiah Anggota Luar Biasa Ikatan Notaris Indonesia Malang
  • Diah Aju Wisnuwardhani Master of Laws, Postgraduate School, University of Merdeka Malang



Carbon footprint, Digital Constitutionalism, Sustainable development


Digital space which is a modern platform where information and data flow, offers cross-border services and individual freedoms. Nonetheless, there are often problems related to basic rights and the emergence of power from the private sector. The sustainable development concept adopted in Indonesia has the meaning that any development must be able to maintain the quality of the environment. A pollutant that often goes unnoticed is the carbon footprint that comes from the digitalization process. Acknowledgment of the existence of digital space and its environmental impact raises the importance of a study on how the State can take part in implementing the mandate written in Article 33 sub-article (4) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia concerning sustainable and green development. This is normative research that examines legal provisions, literatures, and secondary data. A legislative approach is carried out in this research by examining related regulations. It is concluded that provisions and recognition regarding the digital space in Indonesia are still only contained in the act (undang-undang). Other regulations governing the implementation of information and electronic systems in Indonesia have not explicitly reflected the concern for green development.

Author Biographies

Cahyani Aisyiah, Anggota Luar Biasa Ikatan Notaris Indonesia Malang


Diah Aju Wisnuwardhani, Master of Laws, Postgraduate School, University of Merdeka Malang



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