Restorative Justice Settlement of Criminal Cases at the Investigation Level (Study of Resort Police Office of Malang City)
Criminal cases, Investigation, Restorative justiceAbstract
Criminal law in principle does not recognize peace efforts in the settlement of a criminal case. There are certain criminal cases that will only provide benefits and reflect justice if they are resolved through a restorative justice mechanism. However, discrimination often occurs in its application. In the development of regulations related to restorative justice, it has been recognized in positive legal arrangements so that there is legal certainty in its application. In this article, we will discuss the effectiveness and obstacles faced in the application of restorative justice. The research method used is empirical research. The results of the research that the office of Polisi Resort Kota Malang implement restorative justice, in general, is quite effective for certain cases in resolving cases with restorative justice, but there were internal and external obstacles that hindered the process of implementing restorative justice at the office Polisi Resort Kota Malang.Â
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