Implementation of the Mandatory Spending Policy for Village Fund Allocation in Fakfak District
Mandatory spending, Policy implementation, Village fund allocationAbstract
The purpose of this research is to investigate the implementation of the Mandatory Spending Policy on Village Fund Allocation in the Fakfak Regency. This study employs the descriptive qualitative data analysis approach in this study. Furthermore, the triangulation approach is to assess the validity of the data gathered throughout the investigation. The Purposive Sampling Method is a sampling considers certain factors into account. The results of the study prove that in communicating and disseminating information in order to implement the Village Fund Allocation Mandatory Spending Policy in Tanama Village, Pariwari District, Fakfak Regency, the distribution pattern is carried out in a structured manner with direct coordination between institutions at the village level. Regarding the disposition in implementing the Mandatory Spending Policy on Village Fund Allocation in Tanama Village, Pariwari District, Fakfak Regency, it was explained that village officials, Bamuskam, and Family Welfare Programme (PKK) women took part in the implementation of this ADD program in accordance with their respective functions and duties. Associated with the bureaucratic structure in which there are indicators of SOP (Standard Operational Procedure) and the division and distribution of responsibilities. So the SOP (Standard Operational Procedure) used by the Village in implementing the program from the Village Fund Allocation budget is the SOP from the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Number 257/PMK.07/2015 concerning Procedures for Delaying and/or Withholding Balance Funds for Regions that Do not Meet Allocation of village funds.
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