Synergy of Sanitation Development in Malang District


  • Hanti Dwi Afina Magister of Public Administration, Postgraduate School, University of Merdeka Malang



Domestic wastewater, Implementation of public policies, Malang Regency, Sanitation


Management of sanitation in Malang Regency has not been carried out in an integrated planning and implementation between agencies or institutions. Referrring to the Strategy Sanitation of Malang regency document compiled in 2016, it can been seen that sanitation development is still partially carried out or divided based on the institutional sector. It caused many problems in sanitation development, moreover it can not solve the main problem in sanitation. Bad communication and system coordination are the main factor that is predicted to be the cause. Furthermore, limited human resources for sanitation development actors in government agency is also resuts in incomplete handling. Moreover, it coupled with the vast area of Malang Regency and varied geographical conditions. the budget factor is also an equally important cause in sanitation development. No matter how big the goal is in solving sanitation problems, without adequate financial support, development will be obstructed. Based on data from the Malang District Health Office, in 2021 Malang Regency is still have open defecation practice in the area (Buang Air Besar Sembarangan = BABS). Basic access achievement in Malang Regency is 97.94% leaving 2.06% open defecation. There is no Integrated Waste Treatment Plant (IPLT), Local regulations on wastewater, and Scheduled Sludge Service (LLTT) in Malang Regency which gives fundamental problem towards safe sanitation. Implementation of sanitation development policies in Malang Regency according to the mandate of Malang Regent Regulation No. 51 of 2016 concerning Community-Based Led Sanitation, is currently running, although there are still many shortcomings in its implementation. 

Author Biography

Hanti Dwi Afina, Magister of Public Administration, Postgraduate School, University of Merdeka Malang



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