The Application of Ultra Petita Principles in Resolving Employment Disputes to Achieve Justice
Employment disputes, Ratio decidendi, Ultra petita principlesAbstract
Each branch of power can produce legal products. Legislative power produces laws and regulations, executive power produces policy regulations, and judicial power produces judges' decisions or verdicts that can become jurisprudence. The principle of court decisions is issued by the application and must not exceed what is requested. However, in certain cases, the judge can decide beyond what is requested, which is called ultra petita to achieve truth and justice. Weaknesses in the application of this ultra petita principle, sometimes cause problems that harm the applicant, so it needs to be studied and investigated. The focus of this study and research is limited to how judges consider deciding cases, especially employment disputes in Batu City, and how to apply the ultra petita principle in court decisions, especially the decisions of the Surabaya State Administrative High Court. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyse the basis for consideration of the Panel of Judges of the High Court in deciding cases of employment disputes and to review and analyse the application of the Ultra Petita Principle in Court Decisions. This study and research use a normative legal research method with a statute approach and a conceptual approach. The expected contribution of this study and research is theoretically for the development of legal science, especially in the field of development of constitutional law, and practice can provide input to legal practitioners, especially judges in decision-making, local government officials in Personnel Administration, as well as for further researchers. In providing references, especially regarding the Ratio Decidendi of Judges in Court Decisions to the Ultra Petita Principle.
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