Criminal Policy Concerning Imposition of Criminal Sanctions Against Child Performers

Siti Wulandari, Setiyono Setijono, Supriyadi Supriyadi


Child abuse is a form of crime. The Criminal Code classifies the crime of obscenity as a crime of decency. The Penal Code itself has not clearly defined the meaning of obscenity and seems to confuse its meaning with rape or sexual intercourse. The specific protection of children's rights as part of human rights is contained in Article 28B paragraph (2), according to which "every child has the right to survive, to grow up and to develop and to be protected against violence and discrimination". The protection of children in a nation's society is a measure of the nation's civilization, so it must be pursued in accordance with the capabilities of the homeland and the nation. Safeguarding activities is a legal act that has legal consequences. Therefore, legal guarantees are needed for child protection activities. Its relation to the criminal offense of sexual immorality towards same-sex minors is regulated by Article 292 of the Criminal Code (KUHP). Article 292 of the Criminal Code states that “any person of sufficient age who commits an obscene act with another person of the same sex who is known or has reasonable grounds to suspect who is not of sufficient age shall be liable to a maximum sentence of five years. The policy of the judge in child abuse cases must take into account the psychological and psychological aspects of the victim in order to lead to a decision capable of bringing justice to the victim and also to the community. Furthermore, by imposing a severe decision or in accordance with what the perpetrator of the obscenity has done, it will deter the perpetrator and deter other pedophiles from committing the crime of obscenity since the punishment they will receive will be quite strict and has fatal consequences for their next life.


Criminal policy, Perpetrators of child abuse

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