The Effectiveness of the Quasi Judicial Authority of Samarinda City Bawaslu in Handling Election Administrative Violations
Bawaslu, Election, Quasi judicialAbstract
The presence of additional independent state institutions is becoming increasingly important in order to maintain the democratization process that is being developed by a country that has just broken away from the authoritarian system. In this context, through election activities, Bawaslu is positioned as a driver of the democratization process. The Authority of Bawaslu Based on Law no. 7 of 2017 in addition to the Election Organizing Supervisory Agency, is also authorized to settle disputes over the election process up to the Regency/City Bawaslu level. The Quasi-Judicial Authority receives, examines, reviews, and decides on election administration violations. This study is to analyze the effectiveness of implementing the Quasi-Judicial Authority of the Samarinda City Bawaslu in Handling Election Administrative Violations as well as the obstacles and obstacles. The type of research is sociological legal research (empirical juridical) with analytical descriptive nature. The results of this study indicate that the Samrinda City Bawaslu in carrying out its function as a Quasi-Judicial has not been matched by competent Human Resources in the field of law because its new authority to convene and try and decide as a judge in a court, of course, requires ability and maturity. Bawaslu of Samarinda City in carrying out its quasi-judicial authority there are obstacles and obstacles in handling election administrative violations and resolving election violations.
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