Policy Analysis about Sustainable Agricultural Land Protection in Batu City Based on Regional Regulation Number 14 of 2012
Batu city, Sustainable agricultural land protectionAbstract
Historically, Batu City has been a large and well-developed agricultural and plantation area, because it is supported by fertile land and abundant water supply as well as Human Resources who are tenacious and skilled in facing natural challenges. Then during the Dutch East Indies era, large-scale agricultural and plantation businesses emerged, since the Agrarian Law of 1870, foreign entrepreneurs were allowed to lease land from the government for up to 75 years or from native owners for a maximum of 5 to 20 years. So the plantation area is divided into the southern area of Brantas while the agricultural sector is in the northern area of Brantas. However, in the past ten years or so, Batu City, which is based on agriculture and plantations, has shifted to become a Tourism City. This has not stimulated the sensitivity of the city government to make a policy that is more sensitive to agriculture. Because so far in the light of spatial arrangements, Batu City has not prioritized the protection of essential areas such as primary forests, productive lands and springs. The author deems it necessary to examine how are the regulations governing the protection of sustainable food agricultural land in Batu City? The research method used is normative. With regulations that protect farmers, it will contribute positively to the welfare of the people of Batu City.
Peraturan Daerah Kota Batu Nomor 14 Tahun 2012 Tentang Perlindungan Lahan Pertanian Berkelanjutan.
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