Community Empowerment and Participation in Promoting Policy Innovation in the Region


  • Yudo Adiananto Magister of Public Administration, Postgraduate School, University of Merdeka Malang g



Community participation, Good governance, Innovation, Local government


Empowerment and community participation have an important role in policy innovation in the region. Local Innovation is a tool of the government to encourage the creation of more productive, efficient, and effective governance and community development. Community participation becomes increasingly important in the decision-making process after the campaign for good governance by the World Bank and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). One of the characteristics of good governance is participation. Participation itself is the involvement of the community in decision-making either directly or indirectly through representative institutions that can channel their aspirations. This participation is built on the basis of the freedom to socialize, speak, and participate constructively. The paradigm shift of local government in positioning the "people" is an innovation of government. Placing "the people as subjects" means giving appreciation to them, considering that the people are the holders of power.

Author Biography

Yudo Adiananto, Magister of Public Administration, Postgraduate School, University of Merdeka Malang g



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