Juridical Analysis of Green Open Space Arrangements in Malang City
Green open space, SettingAbstract
The high rate of development causes the demand for land in urban areas to increase. This can lead to reduced green open space (RTH) in urban areas. To anticipate the reduction of green open space, especially in the city of Malang, it is necessary to have a system of spatial planning, space utilization, and control of space utilization that is good and in accordance with its function. To achieve this, Malang City has regulations to ensure the availability of Green Open Space through Malang City Regional Regulation Number 4 of 2011 concerning the Malang City Spatial Planning 2010 – 2030. Regional Regulation Number 4 of 2011 explains that the availability of Green Open Space ( RTH) in Malang City is at least 30%, but in practice, the availability of green open space in Malang City is still not in accordance with the expected target. Based on this, it is very necessary to study the regulations regarding the regulation of green open spaces in the city of Malang. This study uses normative legal research, which examines the central theme of the study, namely the regulation of green open spaces in the city of Malang. The results and discussion show that the use of green open space in Malang City has not been optimal and has not reached the proper target of 30%, and Regional Regulation Number 4 of 2011 has regulated the availability of Green Open Space in Malang City, it's just that there is uncertainty regarding sanctions related to violations of space utilization. In Regional Regulation Number 4 of 2011 the sanctions regulated are only administrative and criminal sanctions but do not specifically mention the types of violations and the implementation of the sanctions.
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