Legal Protection for Gestors from Dominus Who Default in the Zaakwarneming Engagement

Diyaul Hakki, Sis Nanda Kus Andrianto


The purpose of writing this article is to find out how legal protection is for the gestor from defaulting dominus in the Zaakwarneming engagement and what legal steps can be taken by the gestor when the dominus does not want to carry out the performance voluntarily. Zaakwarneming arises when the gestor performs voluntarily and secretly an act from the dominus that is not carried out without an order. Problems arise if the dominus does not want to compensate for what was issued by the gestor, and how is the legal protection? To find answers to the problems in this study, the researchers used normative research methods using 2 (two) kinds of approaches, namely the statutory approach (Statue Approach) and the Conceptual Approach (Conceptual Approach).


Agreement, Default, Zaakwarneming

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