Optimizing Gas Sensing Accuracy: Evaluating and Compensating TGS2602 Sensor Responses in Diverse Environmental Conditions


  • Bima Romadhon Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang
  • Citra Dewi Megawati [email protected]
  • M. Abd Hamid Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang
  • Ni Putu Agustini Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang
  • Radimas Putra Muhammad Davi Labib Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang
  • I Made Wartana Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang




Compensation, Gas Sensor, H2S, Monitoring, Volcano


This research aims to investigate the TGS2602 gas sensor's response to variations in temperature and humidity, focusing on the analysis of concentration reading offsets influenced by environmental humidity fluctuations. The TGS2602 sensor demonstrates high sensitivity to hydrogen sulfide (H2S), making it relevant for gas monitoring in volcanic environments. However, the sensor's weakness lies in reading offsets triggered by changes in temperature and humidity. Calibration methods and mathematical analysis are employed to evaluate the sensor's performance. Testing is conducted by varying temperature and humidity in enclosed conditions, and the results indicate that temperature and humidity significantly affect gas concentration readings. As a solution, compensation methods, such as using temperature and humidity sensors and developing algorithms, are required to address reading offsets. This study provides insights into the reliability of the TGS2602 sensor in various environmental conditions and proposes compensation strategies to enhance gas measurement accuracy.


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