Analysis of Planar Inverted-F Antenna (PIFA) U-Shaped At 2.4-3.7 GHz For 5G Communication


  • Gerry Glenaldy Warae Gunadarma University



5G Communications, Planar Inverted-F Antenna (PIFA), PIFA U-Shaped, Antenna parameters, VSWR, Line Impedance, Return Loss, Gain, Radiation Pattern.


PIFA u-shaped is one type of PIFA which is better than other types of PIFA. It has advantages in the form of easy production, simple antenna structure, low production costs, and low specific absorption rate where the antenna can be manipulated by adding pins to the feed to reduce the size of the antenna dimensions. PIFA U-Shaped has two frequencies slots, that can work at two different working frequencies which is 2.4 GHz and 3.7 GHz.

The PIFA u-shaped design process is carried out by using math formulation and experimental methods with several reference of processors journal helps. For simulate it, it uses some software. Magus Antenna is one of them for designing purpose and for simulating and optimizing the Antenna is using the CST Studio Suite 2020 software. The PIFA optimization process is carried out by changing the antenna dimension elements, to get the IEEE defined standards, which is VSWR ≤ 1, reference impedance 50 Ω, and s-parameter below -20dB.

The results obtained in the form of slot 1 antenna that works at a frequency of 2.4 GHz and slot 2 at a frequency of 3.7 GHz. The results obtained are the value of slot 1 and slot 2. VSWR has a value of 1.10090581 and 1.09702511. The return loss is -26.369808 and -26.69439. The gain is worth 3.49 and 2.82. The antenna has a line impedance of 50.150508 Ω which has a tolerance of 0.150508 Ω.

Author Biography

Gerry Glenaldy Warae, Gunadarma University

Electrical Engineering in Gunadarma University


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