Implementation Of Hot Spot Server And Bandwidth Management Using PCQ On Microtik


  • Eka Syah Putra Universitasn Putra Batam
  • Andi Maslan Universitasn Putra Batam



Bandwidth Manajemen Bandwidth Mikrotik PCQ


Lajau Kopi is a cafe located in Batu Aji, Batam, and utilizes the internet with a total bandwidth of 20 Mbps. The high access of users who use the internet, the connection becomes unstable, sometimes fast or sometimes slow and the number of users who use the downloader application results in decreased performance of the internet network, the purpose of this research is to optimize bandwidth so that the available bandwidth can be used evenly and apply the PCQ method. as one of the bandwidth management methods used. For this reason, it is necessary to build a bandwidth management method that uses a proxy routerboard with the PCQ (Per Connection Queue) method. The PCQ method is one of the methods on the proxy router that is quite reliable in bandwidth management, which is to divide bandwidth fairly and evenly. The analysis is implemented by configuring the mikrotik router and conducting direct testing assisted using and tools on winbox, namely torch. From the test results obtained in the PCQ method at Lajau Kopi, it is quite good and each computer gets bandwidth fairly and evenly. With the bandwidth owned by Lajau Kopi, which is 20 Mbps, which means 1 Mbps = 1024 Kbps * 20 = 20480 Kbps which will be divided automatically if all 4 users are using it, this bandwidth management will be carried out evenly, which is 10 Mbps for each download. users. As for uploading 1 Mbps for each user.

Author Biography

Eka Syah Putra, Universitasn Putra Batam

Computer Science


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