
  • Robiyanto Robiyanto Department of Management Faculty of Economics and Business Satya Wacana Christian University



ASEAN, capital market integration, Orthogonal Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (OGARCH), Principal Component Analysis (PCA)


Capital market integration is a topic that attracts a lot of research interests in regional and international capital markets. Unfortunately, the various studies that have been done tend to use analytical tools that have not been able to conclude the degree of capital market integration quantitatively, hence a study that is able to measure the degree of capital market integration quantitatively is required. This study investigated the capital markets integration in ASEAN by using the Orthogonal Generalized Autoregressive ConditionalHeteroscedasticity (OGARCH) method which could provide the degree of integration quantitatively. Capital markets studied were the Indonesia Stock Exchange, Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange, Thailand Stock Exchange, Singapore Stock Exchange, and Philippines Stock Exchange during the period of January 2001 – December 2016. The result of this study was there was a co-movement among ASEAN capital markets studied, but not all these ASEAN capital markets were fully integrated. This study also found that Indonesia stock Exchange, Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange, Stock Exchange Thailand, and Singapore Stock Exchange were integrated but Philippines Stock Exchange was not. ThePhilippines Stock Exchange tended to be segmented rather than integrated.



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