Does Working Capital Management Affect the Profitability of Property and Real Estate Firms in Indonesia?
Operating Profit Margin, Profitability, Return on Assets, Return on Equity, Working Capital ManagementAbstract
During 2013-2017, the increase in net profit of property companies in Indonesia was accompanied by an increase in the cash conversion cycle and net working capital ratio which indicated that performance was increasing but not in cash flow and management of working capital was not productive. The purpose of the study to determine the significant effect of working capital management on profitability and working capital element which has the dominant effect. This study used control variables of sales growth, company size, interest rate, and exchange rate. This study used a descriptive approach and panel data regression. The results showed that the Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC) had a significant negative effect on OPM, ROA, and ROE. Current asset to total assets ratio (CATAR) had a significant positive effect on ROA and ROE. Current liabilities to total assets ratio (CLTAR) have a positive effect significant to OPM and debts to total asset ratio (DTA) have a significant negative effect on OPM and ROA. While CLTAR had the most dominant effect on OPM because it has the highest estimation coefficient among others and the company more aggressive in implementing its working capital policy to achieve higher operating profit.
JEL Classification: C33, G31, E43, F31
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