
  • Rizky Fauzan Prodi Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak Jl. Prof. Dr. Hadari Nawawi Pontianak, 78124




employee performance, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, training


This research aimed to find out and to analyze the influence of training effectiveness to job satisfaction and
organizational commitment and employee performance. This research was a survey, which used explanatory
research. The population was 606 employees, and 127 of them were the permanent employees at PT.Bank
Kalbar Pontianak. The research samples were 62 people. They were the employees in bachelor degree. Data was
collected using questionnaires, interviews and document study. Each item was measured by the reliability and
validity of the study. Hypothesis testing was done by using path analysis. Based on the results of path
analysis, it was found that: the effectiveness of the training significantly influenced the employee satisfaction,
the effectiveness of the training significantly influenced organizational commitment, effectiveness of the training
did not have any significant effect on the performance of employees, job satisfaction significantly influenced
the organizational commitment, job satisfaction significantly affected the performance of employees,
organizational commitment significantly influenced the employees performance.


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