Vol. 23 No. 2 (2019): April 2019
Private information, yield volatility, and interaction between groups of investors: Case of Indonesia government bond market
Abstract views: 15,
PDF downloads: 9
The effect of productivity on liquidity under financial frictions
Abstract views: 15,
PDF downloads: 7
Intellectual capital and bank profitability: Evidence from conventional and Islamic bank in Indonesia
Abstract views: 17,
PDF downloads: 8
The differences between family firms and non-family firms: Evidence in Indonesia
Abstract views: 19,
PDF downloads: 6
An entrepreneurial finance study: MSME performance based on entrepreneurial and financial dimensions
Abstract views: 26,
PDF downloads: 9
Dividend payouts, internal and other external factors, and its impact on stock price
Abstract views: 18,
PDF downloads: 9
The optimal cash holdings speed of adjustment and firm value: An empirical study in Indonesia
Abstract views: 19,
PDF downloads: 8
Budget gaming behavior: Evidence in Indonesian manufacturing companies
Abstract views: 35,
PDF downloads: 10
Bank loan loss provisions research: A review of the empirical literature
Abstract views: 30,
PDF downloads: 10
Probability of default as the early warning system for the Indonesian banking sector
Abstract views: 20,
PDF downloads: 9
Macroeconomic variables towards net asset value of sharia mutual funds in Indonesia and Malaysia
Abstract views: 18,
PDF downloads: 7
Liquidity, asset quality, and efficiency to sustainable growth rate for banking at Indonesia Stock Exchange
Abstract views: 52,
PDF downloads: 37