Profil dan Karakteristik Wisatawan Nusantara (studi kasus di Yogyakarta)
Domestic Tourism, Yogyakarta, profile, characteristicsAbstract
Yogyakarta is one of the favorite destinations for domestic tourists in Indonesia, Based on the results of a survey of 600 domestic tourists, a general description of the profile and characteristics of domestic tourists are short stay (only 1-2 days), very few use accommodation facilities but live in friend’s and colleague’s home, the majority segment is the closest neighbor and the proximate principle is The main factor. In terms of age, is mostly productive age (26-40 years), the main motivation is just walking, preferring to use private vehicles and organizing their own travel or not using travel agent services, dominated by repeaters. The considerations of accessibility, facilities and prices are most influential on the motivation of travel. As for the interest in the tyoe of destination is natural tourism.
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