Penjatuhan Pidana Kepada Pelaku Tindak Kekerasan Terhadap Istri Dalam Rumah Tangga Di Kota Soe (Studi Pada Putusan No. 39/Pid.Sus/2018/PN Soe).
sentencing, criminal offenders, unfair domestic violenceAbstract
Domestic violence (DV) is an issue that affects many societies,
especially women, globally. This research aims to analyze the
imposition of penalties against perpetrators of violence against wives
within households in Soe City, focusing on the case study of Decision
No. 39/Pid.Sus/2018/PN Soe. This study employs a normative legal
approach through the analysis of legislation and a case study. The
main findings indicate that the imposition of penalties in the
mentioned decision does not fully reflect the expected justice.
Firstly, the issue of non-comprehensive judicial considerations stands
out. Judges tend to focus on individual defendant factors, such as the
presence of witnesses and criminal history, while aspects of social and
psychological impact on the victim receive inadequate attention.
Secondly, the inadequacy of imposed sentences is evident. Despite
being   grounded   in   relevant   legal   provisions,    the   one-year
imprisonment sentence for the defendant is deemed inappropriate
given the severity of the violence committed.
The injustice in imposing penalties can convey the impression that
DV is trivialized by the judicial system, eroding the dignity of
victims and undermining public trust in law enforcement. The
unaccounted social and psychological consequences in the verdict also
carry significant implications for victims and society. To address this,
it is recommended to provide training for judges on the social and
psychological impacts of DV, adopt a holistic approach in case
assessment, seek expert consultation, and consider a restorative
justice approach in enforcement. By taking these steps, it is hoped
that the judicial system can better reflect values of justice and
protection for DV victims.
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