
 Title: Bhirawa Law Journal ISSN: 2775-4464 (Print) 2775-2070(Online)
First Online Publication: 2020
Duration: Approx 40 days to the first decission 
Acceptance Rate: 35% of the total  submissions 
Frequency: 2 (Two) issues per year 
DOI: 10.26905/blj
Grade: SINTA 5
Topic: Analysis of actual law studies, or ideas to actual laws in parts of southeast asia with comparisons of laws in the word  
Publisher: Faculty of Law,  University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
Indexing: SINTA, Doaj, Dimensions, ICI Copernicus, Google Scholar
Audience: Legal scholars, Academics, Law enforcers, Lecturers, Students, Practitioners
Geographical Diversity: Indonesia, Singapore, US America, England, Malaysia, China, Taiwan, Prancis, and Australia