
DEPOSITORY: Architectural Design Journal (ADJ) was first published (Volume 1 Number 1) in February 2025 by the Architecture Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Merdeka University of Malang. DEPOSITORY Journal is a periodical publication that contains architectural design works, both Academic Design, Design Competition Results, and Real Project Design. The focus and scope of its substance is on architectural design in the form of academic assignment results, design competition results, and/or project works. The main topics of the study of architectural entities are the space and form of building architecture and/or areas at various scales of space and buildings. These elements play a role (humans, society, and the environment) and value systems (social, cultural, economic), which are the basis for architectural design decisions. The scope of breadth and depth is unlimited but is expected to lead to multidisciplinary and/or interdisciplinary thinking and solutions poured into architectural design works. The editorial team invites prospective, young, and professional architects interested in contributing articles that have never been published in print media and/or other online media on the second publication in August 2025. Please submit articles no later than December 15 for the February edition and June 15 for the August edition.