Implementasi Warning Light pada Robot Beroda untuk Membantu Penyeberangan Anak Sekolah


  • Wahyu tara Dirgantara Universitas Merdeka Malang
  • Abd. Rabi' Universitas Merdeka Malang



Accident, Warning Light, Wheeled Robot, Speed, pedestrians


Traffic and congestion are an inseparable unit. The main reason is mobility and speed is required. Along with the increase in the number of vehicles, the number of accidents, especially for children, also increases. This study creates a tool that can help police officers in crossing school children. The design of the made tool is a combination of a signal lamp and a wheeled robot. The control used to control the robot comes from a voice from a mobile phone. 360Ëš is a maneuver that the robot can perform. To get the speed of the robot, the equation of RPM and wheel diameter (1.68 m/min) was used.


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