The Impact of Founder’s Financial Behavior Traits and Literacy on SMEs Performance: Empirical Evidence from SMEs in Indonesia


  • Nakita Gusman Bandung Institute of Technology
  • Subiakto Soekarno Bandung Institute of Technology
  • Isti Raafaldini Mirzanti Bandung Institute of Technology



Behavioral Finance, Financial Literacy, Founder’s Behavior, Multivariate Regression Analysis, SMEs Performance


This research focuses on the SMEs development evaluation of the impact of founder’s financial behavior, measured by behavioral characteristics of CEOs capacity for self-awareness, planning, and patience, also their knowledge about financial understanding which affect the ability to manage their performance of SMEs. The purpose of this research is to analyze and reduce the rate of failure of SMEs in Indonesia by pursuing the defined determinants from their behavioral traits and self-knowledge on financial understanding in decision making. This study uses a survey conducted across Indonesia, mainly on Java island, with the sample size of 482 SMEs. This research uses multivariate regression analysis as a tool for measuring the impact of founder’s financial behavior variables and financial literacy variable for SMEs performance as a dependent variable.


DOI: 10.26905/jkdp.v25i3.5142


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Author Biographies

Nakita Gusman, Bandung Institute of Technology

Nakita Gusman is a student of Master of Science in Management spesializing in Finance from Bandung Institute of Technology. She previously graduated as Bachelor of Sociology from Padjadjaran University with honor. Her research interest included sociology, behavioral finance, corporate finance, and entrepreneurship.

Subiakto Soekarno, Bandung Institute of Technology

Subiakto Soekarno is a faculty member at the ITB School of Business and Management. He earned an undergraduate degree (Majoring in Mechanical Engineering) from Institute Technology Bandung in 1983. Funded by General Electric Scholarship, he continued his study at the Oklahoma State University – USA in 1992, where he earned an MBA degree. During his studies at the Oklahoma State University, he received a Beta Gamma Sigma honor/membership due to high scholastic achievement.

He has over 25 years of professional experience in various companies especially in the strategic industry/state owned and multinational company. During his professional career, he has been experienced various management positions such as : program manager, division general manager, finance director, president commissioner, and chairman of audit committee. In 1998 he received a national level award “Satya Lencana Karya Pembangunan†from President of the Republic of Indonesia due to his contribution in turbine overhaul technology transfer to the country.

He has been participating as real investor in Bursa Efek Indonesia (stocks, bonds, mutual funds), Bursa Berjangka Jakarta (forex, index), New York Stock Exchange/NASDAQ /CBOE (stocks, exchange traded fund, options). He has passed Chartered Financial Analyst level I examination conducted by AIMR (Association for Investment Management and Research USA). In the past, he earned an RFA (Registered Financial Associates), a professional title in Personal Financial Planning, from IARFC-USA, Qualified Wealth Planner (QWP), Certified Financial Planner (CFP) from Financial Planning Standard Board Indonesia and an Certified Wealth Management from CWM Association. He has passed also the WPPE (Wakil Perantara Pedagang Efek and WMI (Wakil Manajer Investasi) Certification from Indonesia Stock Exchange.

His research interests include but are not limited to : Corporate Finance, Established Company and Start Up Company Valuation, Mergers & Acquisition, Entrepreuneurship, Capital Market and Portfolio Management.

Isti Raafaldini Mirzanti, Bandung Institute of Technology

Isti Raafaldini Mirzanti graduated from Doctor of Science in Management SBM ITB (2011-2016) with topic Entrepreneurship Policy. She is a full- time faculty at School of Business and Management (SBM- ITB) since January 2008 until now.


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