Evaluasi kebijakan pembangunan daerah di Provinsi Jawa Tengah
Regional Competitiveness Index, Regional Development, Policy, Central Java ProvinceAbstract
National and regional development to improve the economy and people's welfare is carried out with a sustainable concept based on natural resources and with an environmental perspective. To accelerate regional development in Central Java Province, Presidential Regulation number 79 of 2019 has been issued by setting 3 areas in Central Java as a focus, namely Bregasmalang, Kedungsepur and Purwomanggung and 5 other areas as supporting areas. To find out the results of regional development in all cities and districts in Central Java, a regional competitiveness index (RCI) was measured in 2019. From comparing the results of RCI in 3 focus areas and 5 supporting areas, it turns out that the RCI in the focus areas is not higher value than the supporting areas, Bregasmalang 5.86 was lower than Barlingmascakep 6.09; Purwomanggung 4.87 was lower than Subosukowonosraten 5.20, indicating that the policy to determine 3 areas for accelerated development of the region of Central Java Province is not fully evidence- based. The recommendation is that the policy for regional development in Central Java Province in the future is based more on evidence, the results of RCI.
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