Exploring Factors Influencing Technology Adoption among Generation Y: A Study of MOOC Users


  • Gemintang Sukma Alnisa Dhewandrie Diponegoro University
  • Ahyar Yuniawan Diponegoro University




Behavioral Intention, Gen Y, MOOC, Usage Behavior, UTAUT 2


The primary objective of this study is to investigate the factors affecting customers’ intention and usage of MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) in generation Y based on the UTAUT 2 (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2). The paper opted for a quantitative method involving 150 MOOC (Skill Academy and My Skill) users collected by spreading an online questionnaire through social media. The data analysis method used is PLS-SEM. The results show that performance expectations, effort expectations, social influence, facilitating conditions, price values, and habitss have a positive influence on behavioral intention. However, hedonic motivation does not appear to have a significant effect on behavioral intention. Then behavioral intention has a significantly positive influence on usage behavior


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