Prospects and strategies for developing sustainable city tourism in the Sultan Siak tourism destination at Pekanbaru City in the adaptation of new habits

Kukuh Destanto


After the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak, urban tourism is expected to be transformed and developed to be more sustainable. The purpose of this study is to develop prospects and strategies for the development of sustainable city tourism during the new normal in the tourism destination of Sultan Siak Halfway House in Pekanbaru City. In this study, SAP and ETOP analysis methods are used to identify the prospectivity of sustainable urban tourism development, while SWOT methods through the formulation of SO, ST, WO, and WT strategies are used to formulate sustainable city tourism development strategies during the new normal in the tourism destinations of Sultan Siak Halfway House. The findings of this study indicate that the development of sustainable urban tourism during the new normal in the tourism destinations of Sultan Siak Halfway House is a future business carried out with the primary strategy on the realization of synergy among tourism sector stakeholders through the improvement and development of social, economic, and urban tourism environments that are healthier, cleaner, safer, and more comfortable.


New Normal; Sustainable; Urban Tourism

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