Regulasi emosi pada pasien Covid-19


  • Nabilah Dina Humaidah Department of Psychology, Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University
  • Faulina Adma Department of Psychology, Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University
  • Rozi Sastra Purna Department of Psychology, Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University



Emotion Regulation, Covid-19


This study aims to look at the regulation of emotions in Covid-19 patients. The qualitative approach used is descriptive method. Two early adults who contracted Covid-19 were recruited as study participants. Data was collected from interviews, observations, and relevant documents. Thompson's concept of the aspect of emotional regulation, namely emotions monitoring, emotions evaluating, emotions modification is used to provide psychological insights in analyzing data. This study found that the emotional regulation that occurs in Covid-19 patients fulfills every aspect, that participants are able to understand and realize everything that happens to them, are able to manage negative emotions, and be able to motivate themselves even with the help of family, friends or social media.

Author Biographies

Faulina Adma, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University


Rozi Sastra Purna, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University



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