Efektivitas pelatihan perencanaan karier untuk meningkatkan career decision self-efficacy pada fresh graduate: literature review
Career decision self-efficacy, Career planning trainingAbstract
Fresh graduate adalah masa dimana karir menjadi fokus utama. Lulusan baru dituntut untuk mendapatkan bidang karir yang sesuai dengan keterampilan dan pengetahuan yang diperoleh selama studi. Oleh karena itu pentingnya self-efficacy keputusan karir karena self-efficacy keputusan karir merupakan prediktor utama dari kemampuan beradaptasi karir sehingga fresh graduate dapat menentukan bidang karir yang sesuai dengan minatnya. Oleh karena itu, peneliti mengusulkan salah satu solusi yang efektif yaitu melalui pelatihan perencanaan karir. Studi literatur ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap efektivitas pelatihan perencanaan karir untuk meningkatkan self-efficacy keputusan karir bagi lulusan baru. Dimana peneliti menggunakan metode tinjauan sistematik kualitatif dengan data yang diperoleh melalui studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan perencanaan karir efektif dalam meningkatkan self-efficacy keputusan karir bagi lulusan baru. Dari hasil pelatihan, fresh graduate mampu memilih bidang karir yang sesuai dan menentukan langkah-langkah perencanaan karir.
The fresh graduate group is a period where careers are the main focus. Fresh graduates are required to get a career field that is in accordance with the skills and knowledge gained during their studies. Therefore the importance of career decision self-efficacy because career decision self-efficacy is the main predictor of career adaptability so that fresh graduates can determine the career field that suits their interests. Therefore, the researcher proposes one effective solution, namely through career planning training. This literature study aims to reveal the effectiveness of career planning training to improve career decision self-efficacy for fresh graduates. Where the researcher uses a qualitative systematic review method with data obtained through a literature study. The results of this study indicate that career planning training is effective in improving career decision self-efficacy for fresh graduates. From the results of the training, fresh graduates are able to choose the appropriate career field and determine the steps for career planning.
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