Build an emotional bond with Bromo Mountain through personality and place attachment
Bromo mountain, destination personality, place attachmentAbstract
Place attachment or deep emotional bonds between humans in a place is an important factor that must be felt by tourists at a tourist destination. This is because place attachment to a visitor has the potential to have a positive relationship with several profitable tourism behaviors, such as loyalty, visitor satisfaction, and intention to return. One that can encourage some of the positive behavioral consequences for tourists is destination personality. This study aims to investigate the role of destination personality as well as the five trait dimensions of excitement, sophistication, competence, ruggedness, and sincerity in Mount Bromo tourists’ place attachment. The study employs a quantitative approach with multiple linear regression. Purposive sampling was used in this study. This study included 318 tourists who had visited Bromo multiple times. The destination personality and place attachment scales were used by the researchers. The findings revealed that there was a simultaneous role for the five destination personality traits and a partial role for the excitement and sophistication traits of place attachment.Â
Place attachment atau ikatan emosional mendalam antara manusia dengan suatu tempat menjadi faktor penting yang perlu dirasakan wisatawan saat berkunjung ke suatu tempat destinasi wisata. Hal ini dikarenakan place attachment pada suatu pengunjung berpotensi memiliki hubungan yang positif dengan beberapa perilaku pariwisata menguntungkan, seperti loyalitas, kepuasan pengunjung, dan niat berkunjung kembali. Salah satu yang dapat mendorong beberapa konsekuensi perilaku positif tersebut pada wisatawan adalah destination personality. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji peran destination personality secara simultan dan peran kelima trait dimensinya; excitement, sophistication, competence, ruggedness, dan sincerity secara parsial terhadap place attachment pada wisatawan Gunung Bromo. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan regresi linier berganda. Penelitian ini melibatkan 318 wisatawan yang sudah pernah berkunjung ke Bromo lebih dari sekali melalui purposive sampling. Peneliti menggunakan dua skala penelitian, yaitu skala destination personality dan place attachment yang telah ditransadaptasi dan telah disesuaikan dengan konteks penelitian pariwisata di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukan terdapat peran secara simultan antara kelima trait destination personality dan peran secara parsial antara trait excitement dan sophistication terhadap place attachment.
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