Alternative Policies for Handling Abhakalan Problem of Early Marriage in Madura


  • Asrifia Ridwan Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Science, University of Merdeka Madiun
  • Isni Wahidiyah Susanto Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Science, University of Merdeka Madiun
  • Alfiana Yuniar Rahmawati Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Science, University of Merdeka Madiun



Abhakalan, Alternative Policies, Early Marriage


Dispensation of early marriage in Madura is almost evenly distributed in four districts in Madura. The problem of early marriage is inseparable from the cultural factor of abhakalan which has become a tradition of arranged marriages from an early age. The implementation of Law Number 16 of 2019 concerning marriage, especially the age limit for marriage, has so far not been optimally applied to village communities. This study aims to provide alternative policies in dealing with the problem of early marriage in Madura. The method used in this research is qualitative with a literature review based on secondary data sources. Then the various data sources were analyzed through three approaches, namely; partnership, networking, and participatory. The results of the study show that alternative policies through three approaches (partnership, networking, and participatory) can be combined with the Madurese philosophical bupa' (father), babu (mother), guruh (teacher), rato (leader) where there is compliance in carrying out the policy because some of these subjects are highly respected by the Madurese people. Each of their roles is the government (rato) as a partner in carrying out programs based on existing policies, kiai and teachers (guruh) in providing religious education and character education, and parents (bupa' and babu) in the process of parenting and the main prevention of culture abhakalan.


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How to Cite

Ridwan, A., Susanto, I. W., & Rahmawati, A. Y. (2023). Alternative Policies for Handling Abhakalan Problem of Early Marriage in Madura. Journal of Transformative Governance and Social Justice, 1(2), 124–132.


