To’-oto’- The Local Wisdom of Madurese Ethnic Families and Perceptions
To-oto, Madurese Ethnicity, Perception.Abstract
The to'-oto’ a tradition is an event held by the community to return bhubuwan's money (money given at weddings). Each implemented certainly has different perceptions of to’-oto’ that have been entrenched. This is the main problem that researchers want to know. This research uses a qualitative research method with a phenomenal research model to look deeper into the psychological meaning of an individual’s experience of the to’-oto’ tradition. The results showed that the tradition of to’-oto’ was perceived as a means of returning savings due to the necessities of life, a means of tightening the silaturrahim rope of both the head of the family in the village or outside the village, one form of “tasyakuran†(salvation) and as a form of tradition that the community runs.
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